Tuesday, February 22, 2011

To J1 Guitarists,
it has been confirmed that for TUESDAYS,
GRM - 413
MB - 414
BMT - 415
GRM - 411
MB - 412
BMT - 413
and practices for wednesdays will end at 4.30pm instead of 6pm for those in GRM, MB, or BMT. this is because the JC2s teaching you guys need to spend crucial time together to prepare for SYF.

General instructions:
1. On arrival at your respective rooms, please help each other out in setting up the furniture arrangement.
2. Before going off from CCA, please make sure that the room is back in its original state. Meaning all furniture back to its positions, and clear of any rubbish you left behind.
3. Please label your belongings, and put a keychain on your guitar bag to minimize confusion and loss.

Please check the post below for info on the NUS Guitar Ensemble concert. The date to hand in the money by is Tuesday 1 March to Marcus Loh the J1 Ensemble Coordinator.

Hope you guys learn well with your new instruments, and take good care of it. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

hi J2 guitarists,
if you haven't shaped your fingernails, at least keep it long. as we get closer to the competition and SYF, tone is important too, and we will have a session to shape the nails. but tone will be perfected after we perfect the playing of the song itself. so please practice and perfect the SYF pieces. reduce buzzing, and keep on time. there is a metronome link at the sidebar if you need it ->

for those who have gone past the stage of trying to perfect the pieces, you can always google and see how to shape your nails. different people do it differently, but as long as it sounds good and is comfortable for you to play with, it should be okay.

those who want to go to the NUS guitar ensemble's performance, please bring the money on Tuesday 20 Feb.

63 days to go.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hi J1 guitarists!
those who did not bring the money for the guitar purchase today, please do so on Friday 18th Feb 4.30pm at room 411.
Those who are told to come on Friday, please turn up as well.
For everyone else, see you on tuesday 5.30pm.

Below is more information about the NUS guitar ensemble concert.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hi JC1s, welcome to the AJ guitar ensemble. below is the slideshow that we went through on tuesday, in case you missed any information.
Hope you enjoyed the orientation
Practice timings, once again, are:
Tuesdays: 5.30 to 8pm
Wednesdays: 2.30 to 6pm
those with classical guitars, please bring them tomorrow. you can place them at the guitar room 1326 before morning assembly.
also, please bring the money/cheque for the guitar you are buying, and $9 for the Fun With My Guitar book and finger exercise ball.
first prac briefing
practices to syf