Sunday, December 13, 2009

Guitar Amazing Race, 4 December 2009

One week ago we had a CCA Amazing Race (: So here goes some photos!

Briefing in the morning

Treasurers briefing :D

First group to finish the first station.
We got the next clue, now what?

Next stop: YCK Stadium

Balancing pick on top of a straw and relaying it in one round: POSSIBLE :D

Second group catching up with the first at the bus stop

Counting stones at Bottle Tree Park xD

Slightly camera-shy group took a group picture! (:

Group discussion on the next clue, "Chomp Chomp Helpers", anyone?

At Chong Pang eating food starting with G-U-I-T-A-R E-N-S-E-M-B-L-E!

Lunchtime at Khatib Central's Mac's

Finding treasure "chest" in the rain at Scape Park, Somerset

Found it!

It was still raining when we went back to school

Facilitator couldn't seem to find the next clue!!! Hurry, hurry!

Start/Finish line & holders xD

Er....present for the Best Overall group! ((:

Present for the Most Independent Group! (:

Group photo! (:

Hope you all had a good time at the race!


Friday, December 11, 2009

Finally...........tomorrow is the Xmas concert day! (:

Wear your house tee + jeans + sneakers (any colour) and bring a white polo tee along. Meet up at 12.15pm SHARP at Buona Vista MRT.

Good job for today's practice, guys! Continue practising hard and enjoy tomorrow!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

hey peeps!

guitar room will be open at 7.45am for you guys to put the guitar before lessons at 8am on tuesday, 17 nov 2009!



Monday, October 26, 2009

Guitar Ensemble Practice Schedule

Hello everyone, This is the latest update as of 12 Nov 2009!

Here is the schedule for the rest of the term

  • Week
  • 7 : 27 Oct (4-7pm) , 30 Oct(3.30-5.30pm)
  • 8: 3 Nov (No Practice), 6 Nov (No Practice)
  • 9: 10 Nov (No Practice) , 13 Nov (2-4pm)
  • 10: 17 Nov (1.30-3.30pm), 20 Nov (3.30-5.30pm)
  • 11 : Wed 25 Nov (8-11am), Hari Raya Haji(No Practice)
  • 12 : 1 Dec (9-11am), 4 Dec (9-11am)
  • 13 : 8 Dec (9-11am), 11 Dec (9-11am)

    All the latest updates are mainly in red. Please check carefully.

    Those who are going on holidays or cannot make it with valid reason please inform Puay Weng in advance.

    Check the blog regularly for any updates.

    Thank you!

    Dylan (:

Hi all! As a gentle reminder (or announcement for those who haven't checked the guitar board :P), tomorrow's practice will be from 4PM to 7PM.

The schedule of guitar practices for the rest of the year can be checked on guitar board.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

CCA Resumes

Hi all, congrats for us all for surviving promos :D Now that promos' out of the way, it's time for guitar practices to resume (:

IMPORTANT: There will be a practice on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 at 6PM. Those with OP workshops on the day are allowed to come at a later time. Do remember to bring your guitars on this day, and do help to inform and remind other members! ((:


Saturday, July 25, 2009


Hi all!

We have a guitar blog! (:

Anyway, some updates for those who weren't able to make it for this week's practices, CCA has resumed as per normal. There is a temperature-taking exercise before every practice, so make sure you do so and report to Zhi Heng.

Another thing to note is the new sectionals arrangement. Instead of the Group 1-6 we used to have last semester with three sections, now we have another six groups which can be divided into either 3 or 4 sections.

The sections are 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 3.3 and 3.4. For songs with 3 sections, we refer to the first number, i.e. sections 1.1 and 1.2 are Guitar 1, 2.2 and 2.3 are Guitar 2 and 3.3 and 3.4 are Guitar 3. For songs with 4 sections, we refer to the second number, i.e. sections 1.1 is Guitar 1, 1.2 and 2.2 are Guitar 2, 2.3 and 3.3 are Guitar 3 and 3.4 is Guitar 4. It may be a bit confusing at first, but it is useful in planning the seating arrangement in the ensemble and allows us to play both 3-sections and 4-sections songs without having to make another arrangement (:

There are also five scores on five new songs. One of the songs actually has two pages, and that one has only three guitars, so do take notice of which section you are in. The rest of the songs have four sections. Anyone without any of the scores do approach Aloysia.

Another thing is about sightreading practices. We are to do two pages on every practices. No worries, the practices are not that complicated. Any problems do approach your SLs or any of the other members!

Thanks! (:

a.k.a. V. Vanessa